He procurado fotografiar los artículos animados en el que pienso que es el mejor momento de la animación.
I take a capture of animated items when are in the best moment of animation.
Paredes y suelos/Walls Floors
Old dirty tile wallpaper 2 gc |
Old concrete floor 2 gc |
Haunted girl 10 gc |
Disappearing floating creepu ghost 7 gc |
Pet walks behind friendly ghost 11 gc
Puertas pasillos /Doors Hallway
Basement elevator door with red eyes 10 gc |
Dark hallway with a ghost 12 gc |
Help me door 8 gc
Door with blinking light and mini buddy 10 gc |
Stairs to basement with animated monster10 gc |
Animated skeleton in rocking chair 8 gc |
Brown rocking chair 5 gc |
Shelves with old flasks 5 gc |
Old shelves with basement stuff 6 gc |
Fright night 2019 floating table 12 gc |
Baby crib with a monster 12 gc |
Old Stroller 3 gc |
Old Bunny chair 3 gc |
Old animated TV 5 gc |
Blinking bulb 2 gc |
Hanging animated wires 3 gc |
Flashing flashlight 2 gc
Hole in wall with a rat and pipes 5 gc |
Hole with pipes 3 gc |
Bunch of crawling spiders 4 gc
Rat with mushrooms and glowing skulls 6gc |
Animated newspaper 5 gc
Suitcase with geern eyes inside 5 gc |
Rusty floor grate 2 gc |
Juguetes /Toys
Old teddy bear with red bow 5 gc |
Old doll with spiders 5 gc |
Jack in box with skull 6 gc |
Creepy rocking horse 5 gc |
Buddy and mouse
Boy with flashlight 9 gc |
Sleeping mouse 6 gc |
2 gc cada una
Spider web frame
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